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Showing posts from January, 2021

2021 Update

 Hello and happy 2021. I've hinted at a lot of changes coming - and many of them have occurred. So let's recap: Sold house in Northern Illinois. Drove to Florida to get RV from storage. Now living in RV full-time. It might not sound like your dream, but living in an RV in Florida in the winter is pretty amazing! To be clear, I'm not destitute and out living in an RV to save money. There are big plans coming later this year - the RV just happens to be a great, non-permanent, and flexible way to fill in the next 7-10 months. I plan to get back to writing weekly notes and company deep-dives in time. For now, I'm getting settled in the RV, fixing some minor issues, and enjoying the warm sunshine in January. Hope all is well with you and you continue to chase your dreams too!