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Blind Squirrel - 6/29/20

I'm moving pretty slow this morning after a hard weekend of physical work, but we'll make it through.

Two pieces of news worth mentioning from the weekend: covid cases continuing to spike in the south and west and President Trump tweeting a video of a white supremacist shouting something about white power or whatever those people shout about - while carrying a "Trump" flag and likely wanting to "Make America Great Again". Trump quickly deleted the tweet, but he's still an idiot.

1) Even a blind squirrel finds a nut every once in a while. Well, here's your blind squirrel explanation for the stock market! It's a bit uncanny, if you ask me...

2) Regarding covid cases, let's talk about Sweden. Remember that they didn't shut down - other than recommending old people stay home - but did incorporate social distancing and masks. Well, they continue to see cases on an upward trajectory...however, deaths compared to past years don't seem to be meaningfully different.

Bonus chart: Florida's active cases. Looks a little like the stock market - vertically up!

3) Finally, a chart that takes us back to 1999. Remember when internet stocks were all the rage and traded at obscene valuations? Oh, wait! That happened in 2020!


Today, I hope to be fairly inactive. I like my current positioning and might even spend some time around the house continuing to work on projects. But that's big talk for a market junkie like me. Maybe after the close...
