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Golden Stimulus - 7/27/20

Gold is hitting multi-year highs driven by global stimulus - specifically news that US Republicans have agreed overnight to another stimulus package which will include another round of direct payments and continued unemployment benefits. Because it's a V-shaped recovery.

It's only a "V" if the person writing it had a slight upward slope on the bottom of their "L". And if it's a "V" recovery, why do we need more stimulus? I can't figure out that whole bag of cats.

So of course futures are up too, because stocks love stimulus. It's going to be a fun week.


1) I got into a Facebook argument with a lady who thinks the entire global pandemic was caused by Bill Gates, the most evil man on earth, and also might be fake. Never mind that we live in the epicenter country of the virus. And it's pretty clear Bill Gates doesn't want everybody to die. But some people without a perspective beyond their own four walls know everything.

Effective virus management

2) Looking at this chart, I could be convinced that it's a "V". In any event, it's leveling off lower than where it started.

Labor market is stalling post most recent surge

3) How about this one: V or U?


So it's looking like an interesting week. I'm excited about another round of "big checks" but also think it's unnecessary if the economy is so robust. But I'm an old school, free market capitalist. There aren't many of us left anymore in this world of crony "capitalism" with socialist bailouts of failed companies.

So stay strong. Tread lightly. And fight the good fight. Rah rah rah!


  1. Bill Gates doesn't want everyone to die, he wants to inject a microchip along with a vaccine to control us and/or track us (to what end, I am still confused). But yea, he is apparently a super evil nerd intent on something nefarious!

    1. Haha! I forget about the microchipping he wants to do! I guess he can't just ask for the personal data to be shared from Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, cell phone companies, internet providers, et al.

      The "Bill Gates is Evil" crowd confused the heck out of me though.


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