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"We'll be there." - 7/30/20

Did you happen to watch Jerome Powell's press conference? He couldn't be more clueless about the inflation pressures he's creating by burning the dollar. He threw more gasoline on the fire yesterday by saying they're "not thinking about not thinking about not thinking about raising rates." He committed to the Fed having easy monetary policy well through the weakness - some of which they're furthering by giving loans to dead companies. But he'll never admit that. What a joke.


He also failed to recognize that his policies are creating and furthering wealth inequality.

Watching the presser was like eating the puke out of the toilet after a night of drinking too much. Let me know if you disagree.

I took a shower right afterwards to try to feel clean - it didn't really help.

The tech CEOs testifying in front of Congress was a non-event. They deftly handled most topics and didn't really give in to any of the witch hunting - whether some of it is justified or not.

1) Big differences in odds of recession across asset classes:

The recession "pricing spread" widening by the day

2) I see much, much more negative yielding debt in the future!
Bull in negative yielding debt continues

3) I hate on the Robin Hoodies quite a bit, but they're all over the nearly-dead companies coming back from the dead. Check out how they've done with Kodak, the subject of massive fraud and insider trading!


Yesterday was another disgusting day for free market capitalism. Powell is either clueless or pure evil. In many ways, he's great at his job - of holding press conferences, generally sounding smart, and not saying anything. In other ways, his policies are pure garbage and have set the USD on fire (in a bad way). I'm most definitely not a fan of his. I kind of like Janet Yellen, Bernanke, and Greenspan - though I'm aware that liking them is no longer "cool". They've come across as pretty clueless too in recent months, though how much is trying to be nice and not rock the boat vs. true ignorance is hard to say.

I took advantage of the Powell Pump to sell some shares and reduce my net and gross exposure. The crash, if and when it's allowed to happen, is going to be swift and harsh.

Jobless claims today should paint the real picture of continued economic weakness. Reality still matters and will come to bear at some point.

Goodness, is this investing game infuriating sometimes!
