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Communism - 8/25/20

Did you watch the first night of the RNC? The theme was very clear: the Democrats want to install communism in America. No more success. No more individual choice. High taxes. The end of America as we know it.

It was very similar to the Democrats who say America will end if Trump is elected because of hate, no more respect for each other, etc.

Frankly, I did not enjoy watching the first night of the RNC. I didn't feel uplifted. I don't like Donald Trump more than before. I don't understand him as a person. The Democrats made Joe Biden a guy you respect, feel for, and talked about how great we are together.

Who knows what tonight will bring.

Markets are higher again this morning. Ugg.

1) Volatility tends to rise after a "switch" election and fall when it's a "same".
Elections volatility

2) Monetary conditions remain super easy.

So "easy" conditions...

3) I don't think the 10-year is going to rise, but the chart is painting a picture.
US 10 year - something new in the making?

I'll do my best not to fight the tape too much, but it's increasingly hard. Apple reversed hard yesterday. Tesla was up 3% at one point and down 2% as well. So I can't promise anything. I'd like to cut my gross exposure down to 50%-ish, but it'll take a few days if not longer. And I don't have any compelling names to take off.

Socialism. Communism. Guns. Trump.
