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It Is What It Is - 8/19/20

Have you been watching the Democratic National Convention? Last night, Joe Biden officially was offered and accepted the nomination. It was also the second night in a row where one of the speakers used Trump's line "it is what it is" to deride him. The message being sent by the Democrats is clear - Joe Biden is a good, normal person while Donald Trump is an evil, hateful person. I think that they've chosen the correct tact so far. 

I thought Bill Clinton gave the best speech last night. We forget how good of a speaker he is. He definitely has a skill for connecting with his audience. I think tonight is Hillary and Kamala Harris, but live my life day by day.

Stocks are looking green again today after closing in the green yesterday.

1) Families have been prepping for virtual learning for a long, long time already:

2) If the CARES 2 package gets passed, we'll have the highest debt/GDP since WW2.

3) We had been considering a move to Florida. For a variety of reasons, covid included, we have pushed a possible move for a year. One is we haven't found the perfect place - but the prices always held us back too. (Not to mention friends and family that live here and we're not ready to leave.) It looks like we've made the right choice in waiting as home prices should plummet once foreclosures are allowed to happen again.


More politics, but have you seen the My Pillow guy hocking his cure for the coronavirus? He claims they've done studies on the safety of the drug on "thousands" of people, but won't share the studies. He gave a really absurd interview on CNN where Anderson Cooper tore him to shreds. If you haven't seen it, go find it and watch it. You won't be disappointed. I'm glad I don't have his products...

Also, did you see Notre Dame went fully virtual for the semester after being open for a few days? Following UNC the day before. Clearly, the universities wanted to open to collect all the fees and tuition before making the decision they knew they'd make about going online only. What a racket!

I don't have much to say today about the markets. I added some renewable power yesterday and paired equal-weighted tech against cap-weighted tech. Today, I won't be adding any exposure - I'm as full as I want to be from a gross exposure standpoint - but might close a position or two if it moves in my favor. Otherwise, a boring day.

Have a good one.
