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Powell Loves Inflation - 8/27/20

Jerome Powell is set to speak before the open today and will push his notion that the 2% inflation target shouldn't be a hard limit, but rather a flexible goal that should be met over time. Like inflation can run above 2% for periods so long as it runs below for equal periods. He's not scared of inflation. We'll see what else he says. Stopping inflation requires raising rates and can cause economic pain - something he's incapable of doing. He loves to buy the mini dip.

Despite the NBA cancelling games, a few MLB teams, and the WNBA paying homage at the 7:00 mark of each quarter, Mike Pence and the RNC pushed their "Law & Order" agenda. He even mentioned Kenosha by name as a place that needs law & order. He didn't address the fact that an unarmed black man was shot in the back 7 times at close range and is paralyzed from the waist down while a white boy crossed the state border with an illegal gun, shot two people, and went home peacefully before being arrested yesterday. Mike Pence is the biggest ass kisser ever - and I'm sure Trump has the hickeys to prove it.


1) Bubble.

2) Not a chart, but good news on testing:

3) Bubble in Tesla.
Tesla - beyond parabolic...but when you read that Tesla was close to becoming Norway's most bought car brand last year, but so far this year the number of registrations has fallen by 84 percent you start looking at that parabolic chart closely...

I will be somewhat inactive today as I have lots to do - first day of school for my daughter, driving up to the lake, and various other stuff around the house.

Trump speaks tonight, it will be fascinating. He plans to have 1,500+ people with no masks or social distancing. Super-spreader event, anyone?
