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SELL BEPC @ $48.00

Selling BEPC @ $48.00
Realized gain of $1.45 (3.11%)

What'st not to like about making a quick 3% in a day? Trading BEPC seems to be something I'm pretty good at doing. I'm excited to buy it back again lower than this.

*There was a time, about 18 months ago, when I had 25% of my portfolio invested in renewable power companies. This is a favorite sector, long-term, and one that I'm not afraid to bet on in a huge way. Now is not the time to push that bet. Which is why I keep tapping in and out. When it's time to get huge in renewable power, don't worry. I've done it and am not afraid to do it again. 25% to a tiny sector is a MASSIVE bet. It's a wheelhouse sector for me, so trust me when I say it's not time to jump in heavy...yet.*
