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Teleprompter Trump - 8/28/20

Isn't it amazing how different Trump is on teleprompter vs. unscripted. I was thinking about that last night during his 72 minute speech. What other speaker/president sounded so different reading a speech vs. just talking? Part of it is that the vocabulary in his unscripted talks is so limited, almost childish, but in teleprompter speeches Trump uses a variety of big words. Obama undoubtedly has a big vocabulary. Even George W. Bush sounded about the same scripted vs. not. His writers must have known how to make him sound real. Anyhow...

Trump's speech is another "I'm the  victim" and "I take no responsibility"" kind of speech. He's telling us to be scared of Joe Biden's America, but we're living in Trump's America right now...the violence, looting, and peaceful protests are all happening in Trump's America. Take some damn responsibility!

Futures are up this morning, of course, but what else is new?

1) Last time this happened we were in a bubble...this time is different, right?

2) Trump hasn't been successful at reducing our trade deficit:

3) He's also spent more than he's taken in..his whole life and Presidency.

I've had a rough few weeks trading and investing too. The market just is crazy and illogical. That's part of why I want to reduce my gross exposure - it doesn't make sense to me, so why play? That remains my goal for the next few days, but I can sleep with my book as it is over the weekend.

Enjoy. Good luck. And keep grinding.
