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BUY AAPL $105 Puts

Buying to close AAPL $105 puts expiring today for $0.10
Realized gain of $0.20 (0.19%)

Not a bad little trade - selling volatility on Apple as it was crashing - leaving plenty of cushion in case the crash continued. The key with selling puts is being comfortable in buying the shares at the strike price, if only for a rental.

And we can agree there are worse things than buying AAPL at $105...especially considering the Robin Hoodies were buying it over $130 because stock splits create value...

I also almost always buy to close my puts just in case there's a crash at the close. It leaves a small amount of money on the table, but gives me so much peace of mind.

With VIX elevated, I like selling short-term volatility - making sure to have enough cushion if the selloff continues as it should in this instance...
