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BUY to CLOSE AAPL $105 Puts

Buying to CLOSE AAPL $105 Puts for $0.25
Realized gain of $0.17 (0.16%)

With Apple shares up this afternoon, my puts made me some money. Sure, I could make the last $0.25 by holding overnight and through tomorrow - letting them expire worthless...but that's someone else's money to make. I'll take my money, reduce my overnight risk...and not have to buy AAPL shares if they happen to crash tomorrow. I made about 1/3 of my potential - and have flipped this 10% of my portfolio 2x today. Making 1/4 percent two times is 0.5%. In a day. Sure, that's just 5 bps on the whole book. But it buys my taco lunch and then some!
