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FE Calls Expire Worthless...

My FE calls expires worthless today. It hurts - I lost 0.5% of my capital on the trade - but that's how the trading life works sometimes. It's why buying stocks is usually the better bet - you don't have to worry about time. But it could have gone the other way. The bad news could have mounted and pushed the stock down much more than the amount I lost on this trade.

The stock price is up from where I put on this position, so it would have been better to buy in this case, but I don't think the risk/reward at the time was in my favor. 

The lesson here is to trade in smaller amounts when using options knowing that they will probably expire worthless. 

I usually think of my options trades in terms of the underlying value, if exercised, but got cute on this big trade. 

Mistakes will be made, but we have to learn from each one. Sometimes more than once!
