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Practice Trades

Do you ever feel the urge to just trade? For not real reason other than to be active? I do. A lot. Rather than try to make real trades every single time, sometimes I trade just a share or two. Just to be active. Like today, I traded a few round trips on Tesla with one share. It's a good way to test a trade setup and your market read without risking much money. Like the odds of TSLA shooting up $10/share in a few minutes is pretty low. So worst-case, I lose $5-10. Best case, I make $5-10. But I gain knowledge and practice either way. So the next time I make a real money trade, I can have a bit more conviction - since I've been practicing the trade for a while. 

Touching a certain stock every few days is also important just to follow it a bit. It helps me to sort of have a feel for how stocks trade throughout the day and week. So I also trade NVDA a few times a week in 1 share amounts. For practice. 

It's fun and cheap and leads to knowledge. And my taxes will already be complicated with how much I trade, so it's not a big deal. 

What do you do to stay in touch with the markets? Do you think trading 1 share is worthwhile?
