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Selling TNA @ $48.36
Realized gain of $0.12 (0.25%)

Another trade today where it was up pretty impressively and came back to hit my stop. It's lower than where I bought it as I'm writing this, so that always makes me feel good.

This trade added 0.25% x 10% = 2.5bps to my portfolio value.

TOTAL for 11/19/20: 

#1: 10bps
#2: 1bps
#3: 1bps
#4: 2.5bps

TOTAL: 13.5bps - 0.13%

It's not quite the 52bps I made yesterday, but making more than 10bps in a day is amazing! Especially considering I'm trading just 10% of my capital. 

This also doesn't include the puts I've traded profitably this week. Hopefully, I've stumbled upon a repeatable and sustainable way to invest that works for my circumstances and temperament. 

I've learned a lot about trading, investing, and my abilities this year. It's cost a good amount of money in losses, but that's the cost of tuition in real life.

Onward and upward from here.
