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Time to End This Blog?

I'm thinking of ending this blog. 

I've been writing every single stock market day for 7 months now. I've taken a day or two off along the way - but finding charts, sharing comments, and also providing commentary on daily news has been both fun and exhausting!

I haven't performed all that well either in that time. 

I fought the biggest stock market rally ever...and lost. Badly.

I am down 20-30% this year in my personal account. My performance on this website - about flat since May - is pretty illustrative of my real-world performance in that time. Basically, I took the brunt of the March selloff, sold out, and missed the rally. 

I am re-evaluating what to do, frankly. I've never felt this wrong. I don't think that I am wrong - and that's a problem.


I'm a serial starter of things like this. I've started 5+ blogs over the years. I've started a few YouTube channels and let them subside. Besides my family blog that I started in 2016 and is still going, this is the most time I've spent on a virtual endeavor ever. 

I started a new YouTube channel this week - making vegan food. I think it could be a hit. So I'm going to give it a shot.

I never tried to monetize this blog. I never tried to get a following. I thought it would be cathartic to have a daily record of my thoughts and trades. And it has. So I might keep sharing my investment ideas and trades. But I'm also cutting back on my daytrading. I got another settlement issue on Monday of last week and am even more restricted in my trading activities now. It was a bad day too. And sharing day trades like that isn't helpful for you, my readers, or myself. It's a form of gambling - even if I have a bit of an edge vs. straight chance.

For now, my plan is to continue to share real investment ideas. And some medium-term trades. But not day-trades. And take a break from my daily notes. 

But, again, we'll see what happens. I'm not consistent in staying away. I LOVE the stock market and talking about it - especially when I can just get my thoughts out without worrying about being judged. 

So, thanks for reading. Thanks for following my thoughts and trades these last 7 months. And stay tuned for some real stock analysis and investments. I might even build and share a model or two..
