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Back to Work

When I left my job at a major global bank at the end of 2016, I'd planned to retire. Possibly forever. I never thought I'd get back into the financial world - I thought I'd become a handyman, Realtor, or *maybe* a financial advisor. 

We had an RV adventure. My wife went back to teaching, and I was the stay-at-home parent. For 3, nearly 4, years!

With covid, we've rethunk a lot of our life choices and setups. We obviously sold our house, which meant my teacher wife had to quit her job. And she's burnt out. So it's my turn to get back to work for the family.

When I started looking at job postings, the ones that caught my attention were financial, investing, and in the utilities and infrastructure world. Basically, something related to what I'd been doing before as an equity analyst, focusing personally on utilities, for a listed infrastructure mutual fund.

Somewhere along the way, I decided to join a company, not a money manager. That way, my work would be more tangible and lead to real outcomes, not just eeking out an extra few basis points over a benchmark.

So I contacted old industry friends and tried to get a foot in the door at a utility company. It worked and I started interviewing with various division heads at a major utility. I could definitely see myself finding a fit there!

At the same time, I found a job posting for a non-profit that focuses on influencing regulatory policy with the aim of reducing carbon emissions from the power sector. I also began interviewing with them about putting my financial skills and industry contacts to work to save the environment.

Long story short, I got a job and am heading back to work in a few weeks. I think it will give me the structure to get back to writing on this blog. But maybe I'll be burned out each day. We'll see!

So back to work I go. I'll share more details soon...and which job/path I decided to take!
