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No Restrictions

At my prior 2 jobs, I had big restrictions on my personal trading/investing. And had to disclose all positions when I started the roles. They had ongoing surveillance of our accounts. We had to get trade approval before trading. And had a slew of rules regarding holding period and types of companies we could buy.

My new job has no restrictions. No disclosure requirements. Nothing. 

Because it's not at a financial institution, and I'm not doing anything with financial markets, I can invest in anything and everything!

I'm quite excited to be able to invest in stuff I know well, with a paycheck, and write about it here.

I've been circling around on the California utilities. They used to be the creme de la creme. Lowest yields in the utility space. Now, you can buy EIX with a 3.5-4.0% yield! That's crazy to me. Sempra is still a top pick. Even PCG looks very appealing.

NEE is a tough one as well. It's probably the best positioned and best run company. But trades with the highest valuation. It's almost a programatic buy, if you're into that sort of thing. I'd rather buy AGR at a 30% discount with a similar story, but I'm a bottom picker.

So be ready in the coming months for more stock analysis. I'm excited to get back into working and think it will reinvigorate my real investing rigor.
