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The Perfect Cup of Coffee

We investors need a morning pick me up. The days of using hard drugs on Wall Street are mostly over, so the typical investor drinks a caffeinated beverage. I prefer coffee. I've gone through a litany of ways to make it and have come across the absolute best way to make a cup. Let me explain:

1) Most folks begin their coffee journey with "drip" coffee. 

It's an easy way to make it! You put in the proper amount of ground beans, pour coffee into the thing, press a button, and in a few minutes you'll have a pot of joe to share. The ease of this method is unquestionable. I make it from time to time when I want a large quantity and don't care about maximizing flavor. But the downside is that flavor is not maximized.

2) Instant coffee: yuck. 

Hot water and crystals that dissolve. No thanks.

3) Keurig/Nespresso: makes a decent cup, but is expensive and has so much plastic waste. 

I find it too watery, overall, but not bad. I'd rather make drip coffee.

4) Espresso machine: A friend uses one every single day and swear by it. 

I like more volume to drink, but appreciate the art of this method. It's probably the best tasting, if you're a coffee purist.

5) French Press: My chosen method. 

You boil some water, I use an electric kettle, put your ground beans into the press, pour water in, stir, wait, then press. No plastic waste. No paper filters. A bit of crema (head) like with espresso. Pretty good volume of liquid like drip coffee. And great flavor! It's a morning ritual I've been doing for years now. And just about the best cup of coffee you'll have.

How do you make your coffee? Let me know in the comments!
