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Showing posts from April, 2021

BUY EVRG @ $63.17

 Buying EVRG @ $63.17 2% position I'm back to making somewhat regular investments. I'll be slowly building out my portfolio again - and hope to keep the ideas to durations of "months" instead of "days". Or longer.  The stock market is super frothy, overvalued. But there are still reasonable values to be found in the regulated utilities space. Evergy is a Kansas and Missouri utility. They just got a bill passed that will allow "securitization" of coal retirement costs. The utility can then replace those coal assets with renewable power assets - growing earnings while keeping customer bills flattish. It's a win-win-win combination - and Evergy is one of the most coal-heavy regulated utilities.

Ring the Register - PPL, PNW, NWE

Ringing the register on PPL, PNW, and NWE Sell PPL @ $29.49 - realized gain of 4.65% Sell PNW @ $84.96 - realized gain of 10.70% Sell NWE @ $70.00 - realized gain of 19.27% PPL has made a few big announcements. They sold their UK business. Got a 3-year rate deal done in Kentucky. And bought Rhode Island assets. The next catalyst is either selling the company or buying someone. So I'll get out of the way with a small gain. PNW is just up quite a bit and doesn't warrant holding such a small position. NWE has run too. Quite a bit. And is either going to get purchased (somewhat unlikely) or make a purchase of an increased ownership of a coal power plant, Colstrip, that would create environmental cost risk in the future - or face regulatory hurdles as they look to buy some renewable assets. The easy money has been made here.

BUY AY & BEPC Positions - Big Boy Pants

Buying AY & BEPC Positions 6% positions AY @ $37.01 BEPC @ $44.14 Renewable shares were down - ahead of Earth Day - so I jumped in bigly and made a big boy pants purchase - full 6% positions. BEPC is a bit worrisome - after selling something like 10% of their wind assets to NEP for a pretty cheap price. Why they're selling and how they'll use the proceeds is a big question. I trust Brookfield, perhaps more than I should, but that's that. I have no clue why AY is down. It's quickly becoming one of my favorite renewable players. It offers a great yield and a global portfolio.  Biden should announce a pretty aggressive renewable plan on Earth Day. And there might be more policy support to foster more renewables growth. I suppose a concern would be that any policy levers used would benefit incumbent utilities more than the independent players. But a growing pie should be good for all.