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BUY AY & BEPC Positions - Big Boy Pants

Buying AY & BEPC Positions
6% positions
AY @ $37.01
BEPC @ $44.14

Renewable shares were down - ahead of Earth Day - so I jumped in bigly and made a big boy pants purchase - full 6% positions.

BEPC is a bit worrisome - after selling something like 10% of their wind assets to NEP for a pretty cheap price. Why they're selling and how they'll use the proceeds is a big question. I trust Brookfield, perhaps more than I should, but that's that.

I have no clue why AY is down. It's quickly becoming one of my favorite renewable players. It offers a great yield and a global portfolio. 

Biden should announce a pretty aggressive renewable plan on Earth Day. And there might be more policy support to foster more renewables growth. I suppose a concern would be that any policy levers used would benefit incumbent utilities more than the independent players. But a growing pie should be good for all.
