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BUY SPY @ $428.76

Buying SPY @ $428.76
25% position

I'm not trying to make this a day-trading guide by any means. But the signals are noisy and confusing - and volatility reigns supreme right now.

The intra-day reversal off of the lows and subsequent move to highs of the day is a decent buy signal, for a trade. Plus, the markets have been down for 7 consecutive days and could have an up day.

The trading service I subscribe to said to buy again (for the 3rd time) after getting stopped out on the first 2 signals.

Buy SPY @ $428.76
STOP @ $420.67 (-1.89%)
Target: $464.00 (+8.22%)

While you might scoff at the buy signals getting stopped out, the total loss on the 3 trades (if this gets stopped too) is 2.56%, 1.18%, and 1.89% = 5.62%. On just 25% of my capital. So really a loss of 1.4%. How much are you down in this selloff?
