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SHORT QQQ @ $344.01

Shorting QQQ @ $344.01
5% position

When the market rallies on war, it's an opportunity to short. This trade ends my wild day! I started out about 50% long of equities and 70% long overall with zero shorts. And will end the day with 4 shorts, 18% net long, 28% gross long, and 78% gross exposed. 

I'm not morphing this blog back into a day-trader's diary - but it's important to understand that volatility is how the market measures time. Higher volatility means you have to become more nimble - and with the VIX around 30 this week, the market clock has been moving fast! When the VIX gets below 20, we can act a bit slower. So don't get bogged down in using clock time or calendar days when the market's clock doesn't move like a grandfather clock.

Note that I'm also not taking a major bet right now. I'm still net long of stocks and bonds and am on the hunt for US domestic, interest rate sensitive stocks like utilities and REITs to buy. It's time to build an income portfolio.
