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SELL QQQ @ $322.43

Selling QQQ @ $322.43
Realized loss of $5.62 (1.71%)

Apologies - but my stop got hit in yesterday's carnage. I knew the trade was aggressive when I put it on, but the risk/reward was worthwhile.

With the VIX spike yesterday, especially into the final hour of trading, it's not time to push bets. Remember, when the VIX spikes, what do I do? Reduce my gross!

I'm 39% gross exposed and 34% gross long of equities. Not bad positioning to start upping my exposure when the VIX stops going up.

We'll see how the first hour or so of trading goes today before deciding whether to do anything. My inclination is to buy risk assets, but after this loss I might start with a pair trade or two.
